Wednesday, December 22, 2010

REWARD for GRINCH posted

There is only 1 day left to locate, capture, and arrest the GRINCH.

The reward for the CCS Blog follower who finds him is pictured below.

If you have any information on his location, please contact Laura Lou Who.
Prize value over $150.00


  1. Laura Lou Who I am sure I saw that naughty Grinch playing in all the rain we are getting in Calif :)

  2. wow what an awesome package! i hate to admit it but that grinch is adorable!!!! good luck everyone :)

  3. Laura Lou Who:
    That awnry grinch stole all my I have to make more for my holiday treats! Think DH has him pinned in the corner ... hope you hurry and catch him at my house! LOL!

  4. How generous of you, Laura! That is a wowzer of a prize package! Someone is going to be very happy. Just look at that gorgeous Grinch. I'd love to squeeze those cheeks of his. Green is my favourite colour. lol

  5. Attention Laura Lou Who! Grinch has been spotted. Please go here:

  6. WOW....what a great prize, I'm pretty sure the grinch is at my house. It's so bad, he stole my tree! (Or maybe I just didn't put it up this year)

  7. WOWSZERS!!!!! What a fantastic prize!!!!! I'm holding him in the basement until you get here, hurry LOL

  8. Laura Lou Who...waht a great prize for catching that mean, I mean, cute little grinch. All my teddy bears are searching for him ...hope he comes this way for the capture. Thinks he has been here because I'm missing Christma cookies.

  9. Wow, what a great reward. I'll be keeping my eyes open.

  10. What an awesome reward, Laura Lou Who! Gosh, I hope that mean, nasty Grinch isn't at my house playing in my craft room while I'm stuck here at work! That just wouldn't be fair!!!

  11. Ok, I thought I had baked 8 dozen of cookies. Now I only have 6 dozen left. I think the grinch is lurking in my basement and sneaking up to get my cookies while I am not looking. I hope Laura Lou Who finds him in my house quick before all my cookies are gone.

  12. I thought I saw a flash of green early this morning!!
    That's going to be fabulous Christmas present for someone!!!

  13. No...he's in my Christmas tree.....always throwing out some of my ornaments.....
    Awesome gift.....tfs

  14. Ohhh I'm sure I saw him hiding behind our snowman! At least he left behind some grinch sized footprints!

  15. Last night I had tons of cookies on my kitchen counter waiting to be nicley bagged & tagged this morning....When I woke up this morning, one of the bowls was left open & 4 or 5 cookies were gone!!! Now, either my hubby is in trouble, or the Grinch has a full belly :) hmmmm...


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